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Tag: Scarlett Johanson

In Relationship We Trust : Black Widow and Hawkeye

In Relationship We Trust : Black Widow and Hawkeye

Hawkeye Black Widow

Siapa bilang lelaki dan perempuan tidak bisa bersahabat? Dalam The Avengers ada Haweye dan Black Widow yang berbagi ketegangan (seksual) yang boleh dibilang tidak bisa diverbalkan. Ada apa dengan hubungan mereka? Dikutip dari situs io9, Scarlett Johanson memberikan penjelasan,

“Our characters have a long history. They’ve fought together for a long time in a lot of battles in many different countries. We’re the two members of this swinging group who are skilled warriors – we have no superpowers. Black Widow is definitely one of the team though. She’s not in the cast simply to be a romantic foil or eye candy. She’s there to fight, so I never felt like I was the only girl. We all have our various skills and it feels equal…We back one another. We’re on the same team.”

Begitu pula Jeremy Renner ketika menjelaskan ketegangan hubungannya dengan Black Widow,

“It’s a lonely game. He’s an outcast. His only connection is to Scarlett’s character, Natasha. It’s like a left hand/right hand thing. They coexist, and you need them both, especially when it comes to physical mission.”

Jadi, siapa bilang lelaki dan perempuan tidak bisa bersahabat tanpa melibatkan romantisme?